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HCN Bank Team Tournament 2023

Eight teams competed at the Lakes of Hemet West on September 6-8 , with Jay Davidson (right) as the ATM.


A round robin of12 frame games were played, pitting teams against each other that would not normally meet in league play, making for a diverse fun experience.

Of course, special thanks to the HCN Bank for their generous donation to promote shuffleboard in Hemet!


The ranking of the 3-way tie for second place was decided by the outcome of the individual matches played between those 3 teams.



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Al Elias Memorial Tournament 2023

The Inaugural Al Elias Memorial Tournament

was held Sierra Dawn SE on August 22-24, 72 players competed for prizes sponsored by the HCN Bank.

The finals were an exhibition of exceptional shuffleboard playing ability all around, culminating with an exciting championship round ending in a tie going into playoffs, then being decided by a single lag.

Thanks to the
people who put on this event, including: Tournament ATM's Jeannie Gregory & Alice Beers, Head Scorekeeper Tootie Chittenden, Head Referee George Hayner, and the Board Crew. 

Special thanks to Betty and Annette Elias and family for their generous donations of food and enthusiastic dedication to
christen the first annual Al Elias Memorial!                      

A very special display of Al Eliases memorabilia was put together by the Elias family, including his wife Betty Elias and their daughter Annette Elias (who played in the tournament!) - WELL DONE!

Numerous exotic and unusual treats were also donated - who knew that you could get a chocolate filled crepe in a wrapper!

The Eliases gave thank-you gifts to all those who made this possible

Betty and Annette Elias

Left to right (back): George Hayner, Tootie Chittenden, Carol Anderson, Alice Beers, Jeannie Gregory, Roger Kroger, Betty Elias, Pat Ellis, and in front Annette Elias

Four gift baskets were raffled off

collecting $300 along with matching funds from SDSE, all to be donated to the red cross to help with the Lahina disaster!

The Awards




to the




Bob Crull (it's never too late)

Bill Reams (first singles)

~ Awards presented by Pat Ellis, President of SDSE Shuffleboard Club

The Winners



The Gallery

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Emmett Allen any Singles 2023

Seven Hills  was the scene of the annual tournament July 10-13 where 57 players vied for the position to attain the traveling trophy, and a chance to win the 50/50 drawing, or any of the referee and scorekeeper prize drawings!


Special thanks to our sponsor HCN Bank, tournament managers DeDe Mallone and Brenda Jackson, Head Referee George Hayner, Head scorekeeper Tootie Chittenden, the ever attentive board crew, and all else who made this possible.



to the



Hazel Beidleman (7-H)


Presenting the awards is DeDe Malone, president of Seven Hills Shuffleboard Club

The Winners



The Gallery

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CSA Any Doubles Tournament 2023

The CSA any Doubles tournament was held at Sierra Dawn SE on June 19-22.

Thanks to all the volunteer scorekeepers and referees, and a special thanks to the ATM's Jeannie Gregory and Alice Beers, head scorekeeper Carol Anderson, head referee George Hayner, the board crew, and of course our sponsor HCN Bank!




to the




Brenda Rahn (SDSE)

Mary Baptist (FHH)


(Presenting the awards is Pat Ellis, President SDSE)


Championship Winners

Consolation Winners


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Bonspiel Tournament 2023

Hemet Muni was the site of the annual Bonspiel on June 5-7, 2023.  This is one of my favorites because kitchens don't count.  Instead all 64 entrants play 6 games and are divided into 4 divisions based on the first two game's wins/losses.  The tournament winners in each division are determined by the game points (2 points for a win, 0 for a loss).  When there are ties for the number of game points, the spread points determine the rank.

Special thanks to ATMs Carol Anderson and Jeannie Gregory, head referee George Hayner, head scorekeeper Carol Blasingame, the board crew, the lunch crew, and the donation from the
HCN Bank!



Doug Serr
first time winner

Jeannie Gregory
the only undefeated player

The Winners

Presenting the awards is Ron Dewberry, President of Hemet Muni shuffleboard club

Red (Won first two games)

Blue (Won first game, lost second)

Green (Lost first game, won second)

Purple  (Lost first two games)

The Gallery

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David Miller Memorial Mens/Ladies Singles Tournament 2023

The ATM's pulled it off again -- two tournaments ran simultaneously at Heather Estates on May 22-24th.  Interspersed throughout the 8 boards, the men competed amongst each other while the Ladies did the same, resulting in a fun, busy pair of tournaments. A 50/50 drawing was held at the end, as well as drawings for other prizes. 

Thanks to the ATMs (below), head scorekeeper Carol Blasingame, head Referee George Hayner,  the board crew, and the generous donation from the
HCN Bank!


ATMs Carol Anderson and Dede Malone


This tournament is dedicated to the memory of David Miller, a former very active member of the Heather Estates shuffleboard club

Socks for veterans were collected for donation




to the




Colleen Fitzpatrick (LHW)


Dennis Oberg (SDSE)

The Winners

Awards were cash prizes and pins like this one

Men's Championship


From Left to Right:

First Place -  Harlan Mathews (EGE), Second Place - Mike Garrett (EGE), Third Place - Ken Norris (LHW), Fourth Place - Dennis Oberg (SDSE)

Men's Consolation


From Left to Right:

First Place -  Terry Wallace (SDSE), Second Place - Mike Zepeda (7H), Third Place - Roger Kroger (SDSE), Fourth Place - Ray Ackenhausen (HE)

Ladies' Championship


From Left to Right:

First Place - Coleen Fitzpatrick (LHW), Second Place - Jan Zerr (HE), Third Place - Fran Hayner (HM), Fourth Place - Amber Brown (HM)

Ladies' Consolation


From Left to Right:

First Place - Connie Clark-King (LHW), Second Place - Ingrid Thomas (LHW), Third Place - Brenda Jackson (7H), Fourth Place - Jan Madison (HM)

The Gallery

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CSA Any Singles Tournament - 2023

The Annual CSA any Singles Tournament was held at Sun City, CA on May 8-11 where 56 players competed for the 1st place winner's traveling plaque and monetary prizes.

Special thanks to the ATM's  Alice Beers and Brenda Jackson, head referee George Hayner, head scorekeeper Carol Anderson, the board crew, and our generous sponsor  HCN Bank!


Terry Wallace not only won his first tournament as the first place champion, but he did it as a ROOKIE!

(pictured here with the traveling plaque and his commemorative pins)



The Winners

(click on any picture to enlarge or download)

~ Presenting the awards is David Ruch, President of Sun City Shuffleboard Club ~



The Gallery

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Natioanal Any Doubles Tournament 2023

Forty-four pairs competed in the National any Doubles tournament held at The Lakes at Hemet West April 10-13.  Special thanks to the ATM's Jeannie Gregory and Alice Beers, head scorekeepers Carol Anderson and Brenda Rahn, head referee George Hayner, the board crew headed by Bud Bliss, and of course our sponsors The Soboba Foundation and The Bank of Hemet.

Some interesting facts:

  • A pair of nonagenarians won 3rd place consolation, namely Louise Bryant (90) and Jim Peterson (94)!

  • A "rookie" (playing less than a year) was on the team that won 4th place consolation, Dora Olea - impressive.

  • Kathy Brennan, the President of the USA National Shuffleboard Assoc. has a goal of attending all the national tournaments, 20 so far, and using her own money!

  • Marolyn Davidson was awarded the USA-NSA championship pin, but not Jay since he had won 3 times before (it is a one-time award)


(Presenting the awards is USA-NSA President Kathy Brennan)

Championship Winners

Consolation Winners


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Tournament of Champions 2023

This non-sanctioned tournament created by George Hayner was restricted to only the winners from last year.  It was a single elimination event on March 9-10, 2023 at Villa Del Monte.  All winners received a commemorative pin.

Thanks to the ATM's Jeannie Gregory and Alice Beers, head scorekeeper Carol Anderson, head referee George Hayner, Club President Krisi Brinegar, and the board crew.

The Winners


The Winners (left to right):

First place - Jay Davidson (The Lakes at Hemet West); Second place - Howard Harrell (Foothills of Hemet); Third place - Harlan Mathews (El Grande Estates); Fourth place - Ken Norris (The Lakes at Hemet West)

The Gallery

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CSA Hall of Fame any Singles Tournament 2022(3)

The 2022 Hall of Fame tournament was held at the Lakes at Hemet West on February 27-March 2, 2023 (delayed due to Covid).   Thanks to the ATM's Jeannie Gregory and Tootie Chittenden, Head Referee George Hayner, Head Scorekeeper Carol Blasingame, and the board crew.  Special thanks to the HCN Bank for their donation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .

At the end of the tournament the CSA board met and inducted three players into the

California Shuffleboard Hall of Fame


For the CSA meeting details see the blog post on the CSA website

hall of fame.png

Happy 90th Birthday to Louise Bryant,

3rd place consolation winner!


The traveling trophy

for the tournament winner

It Snowed!

during the playoffs - unheard of!

The Tournament Winners

Presenting the awards was Terry Wright, The Lakes at Hemet West President



The Gallery

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Rookie Tournament 2023

This year's rookie tournament was held at Heather Estates on February 18-19 with 18 entrants.
Special thanks to the ATMs Jeannie Gregory and DeDe Malone, head referee George Hayner,  and of course the board crew.


The Winners
Left to right, 1st Place Gary Corson (MS), 2nd Place Rusty Chatterton (SC), 3rd Place Nancy Lackey (MS), 4th Place Dan Breece (MS pictured separately)


The winners were presented these pins (above) and the colorful certificates (below).

Presenting the awards is Grace Ferrone

The passing of the traveling plaque  to 1st place winner Gary Corson (left) from last year's winner Michael Zepeda (right)

The Gallery

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© 2017 by CSA District 7.   Created with

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