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The 2018 Winner's Tournament

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And The Winners Are:

1st Place: Robert Brooks

First Place: Robert Brooks

2nd Place: Bruce Kiefert

3rd Place: Roland Schneider

4th Place: Martha Gasche

* Presenting the awards are ATM Helen Noeltner and Head Referee George Hayner


Desert Challenge (District 5 vs 7)

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And The Winner is:

District 7

22 games to 18 games

District 7 President Suzanne Shapiro (left) accepting award from Tournament Director Lynda Goggin (right)


Rookie Tournament

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And The Winners are:

Left to Right:

1st place: Mitch Herbert      2nd place: Larry Pierce    3rd place: Helga Moffett    4th place: Debra McCaffrey


National any Doubles Tournament

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And The Winners are:


Back row (left to right)

1st Place: Jay Davidson & Mike Walker                                          2nd Place: Shirley & Gene Eager

Front row (left to right)

3rd Place: John Hays & Harlan Mathews                                        4th Place: Sheryl & Ron Dewberry


Back row (left to right)

1st Place: Bill Rideout & Bruce King                                           2nd Place: Jan & Leroy Zerr

Front row (left to right)

3rd Place: Roland & Ruth Schneider                                          4th Place: Mickey Rose & Anita Alexander


John McDonough Doubles

Any Doubles a Tribute to John McDonough

by  Dean Grattidge           District 7 Reporter

This Any Doubles tournament, hosted by Sierra Dawn South, evolved as a tribute to John McDonough, a valley icon of past years.

From April 16-19, 2018, 44 partners gathered at SDS to duke it out.

ATM’S were Helen  Noeltner and Carol Anderson as George Hayner handled the duties of head ref. Tootie Chittenden gathered and confirmed entries on the score cards. These three men kept the boards well-maintained: Howard Drake, Newt Ball and JR Ault.

Once again The Bank of Hemet sponsored this event. We thank them for their continuing support.

Alice and Howard Drake, first time hosts, put  a great deal of effort into designing the 50-50 drawing and distributing the many prizes in the door prize drawings.

All players received coupons from Carl’s JR and the Golden Ginger. Numerous businesses contributed to the door prizes; they included Stater Brothers, Tommy’s Car Wash and Weinerschnitzel and many others who are on my list that disappeared. Sorry ’bout that!

If you were not at the club on Thursday, you missed some real drama as two clubs had to break a 23-23 tie.  It took four frames to settle that stand-off and the game was decided by one point, 31-30! George Hayes and Ray Ackenhausen prevailed in this “nail biter’. D5 Palm Springs visitors, John and Linda Nielsen received a well-deserved ovation for their challenge.

I’m honored to list the 16 players who engraved their names into shuffleboard’s record book.


Back row, first place,   George Hayes and Ray Ackenhausen (GVP); second,  Linda and John Nielsen (Desert Crest -Palm Springs D5); third (front row),  Roland and Ruth Schneider (SDSE); and fourth, Paul Epps and Ken Phipps (Hemet West).


Back row (left to right),  first place, George Baslak and Alice Beers (Foothills of Hemet);  second, Betty Palmer and Debbie Buchanan (Heritage Ranch); third (front row),  Ingrid Thomas and Charles Smith (Hemet West); and fourth, Karen Heape and Howard Harrell (Foothills of Hemet).

Thanks to all players and participants who made this such a successful tournament.

The Gallery

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Emmett Allen any Singles 2018

Emmett Allen Tournament

May 14, 2018

by  Dean Grattidge   District 7 Reporter

Seven Hills Shuffleboard Tournament: A Commemorative for A Leader.

This singles tournament was played to honor the late Emmett Allen, past program and community leader.

From May 7 to May 9, 2018, 64 players squared off to apply their skills in this District 7 singles event. For 6 years this venue has displayed the name, Emmett Allen in honor of his dedication and service.

All these volunteers are to be commended for their fine efforts: ATM Lynda Goggin, with help from ATM Helen Noeltner, managers, Suzanne Shapiro and Mary Davis, board crew, Ron Needham, Bob Henderson and Chuck Davis. Head ref was George Hayner. Head Scorekeeper was Tootie Chittenden.

Polly Givens had gone out into the community once again, to solicit door prize certificates from the following contributors: Farmer Boys Restaurant, Stater Brothers Market and I-Hop Restaurant.

The number one community sponsor, The Bank of Hemet came forward with generous funding. (We just can’t thank them enough for that!).

A 50-50 drawing helped the host venue defray some of their expenses. Polly Givens organized this drawing.

Aaron Young, Bank of Hemet official, shown here with Lynda Goggin, Helen Noeltner, and Mary Davis, took the time and effort to come by and hand out awards to the winners. We thank him for that as we thank all the volunteers.

The best part of reporting is to acknowledge this group of eight players who competed at a high level and prevailed in their efforts.

Championship –

First place, front row l-r, Robert Brooks (SDSE) now recognized as the “Gold Standard in competition”. Second place, Ruth Schneider (SDSE)

who put on a classy challenge throughout this low scoring back-and-forth match with Robert. Third, Nadine Hackett (Hemet Muni)

and fourth place, Janet Langemeier (also from Hemet Muni).

Consolation round: back row l-r,

First place, Al Elias (SDSE), second, Dennis Sondrini (Heather Estates) – his first tournament win, third, Paul Epps (Hemet West), and fourth, Ruby Best (Seven Hills) in a high scoring match-up.

All winners received pins and cash as the top finishers; Robert Brooks was awarded the handsome traveling trophy.

Finally, kudos to Harlan Mathews for supplying the remarkable photos of those “over achievers”! Harlan shows his camera to Dean.

Congratulations to all winners and to all volunteers and participants who helped to evolve this into a well managed tournament.

The Winners

Presenting the awards are the Bank of Hemet representative Aaron Young and Seven Hills' Mary Davis



Special Recognition

The Gallery

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Friendship Team Tournament 2018

by Dean Grattidge   District 7 Reporter                Photos by Harlan Mathews, Dist. 7 Webmaster

Condensed down to two days, May 21-22, 2018, five teams squared off in this successful event. Winners on the four teams received a pin or their accomplishments. Each team fielded 13 players, assigned by spreading them out by virtue of their experience level; Red, white, blue, green and purple.

Golden Village Palms is home to the California Shuffleboard Association “Hall of Fame”.

Helen Bell, HOF Curator, was not able to preside this year, so George Hayes filled in very capably as ATM. Volunteers who helped promote and put on this event were:  head ref, George Hayner, and a busy board crew of Kerry Selway and Ray Ackenhausen. We certainly commend them for their time and effort.


During the tournament, displays added to the Hall of Fame venue were lists of previous tournament winners, a CSA 100 Club Endowment Fund plaque and A History of Shuffleboard in California poster, a copy of the which resides in the NSA HOF in Clearwater, Fla.

Second Place: Team 5

First Place: 18 points, Team 1

Captain Jay Davidson,Co-captain Ken Phipps, Ann Cantu, Mona Ekstrom, Fran Hayner, George Hayner, Mary Kaiser, Barbara McCorkle, Travis McCorkle, Helen Noeltner, Betsy Palmer, Marolyn Davidson and Charles Smith.

Second Place: Team 5
Second Place: Team 5
Second Place: Team 5

Second Place:18 Points, Team 5

Captain Tootie Chittenden, Co-captain Paul Epps, Robert Brooks, Mary Draine, Ingrid Thomas, Larry Pierce, Diane Pierce, Krisi Brineger, Harlan Mathews, John Hays, Pat Bowman, Mary Baptist and Barbara Brooks.

Third Place: 17 Points, Team 4

Captain Wanda Souza, Hazel Beidleman, co-captain, Jean Baldwin, Alice Beers, Lee Beidleman, Bill Caslar, Sharon Hillan, Dee Huffman, Warren Huffman, Richard Huffman, Ken Norris, Tracy Tackett and Maria Walker.

Fourth Place: 16 Points, Team 2

Captain Ron Needham, Co-captain Minda Needham, George Baslak, Mike Feazell, Frank Good, Dean Grattidge, Jerry Hand, Lucy Hand, Howard Harrell, Sharon Hillan, Larry Pierce, Jack Ramsey, Dennis Sondrini, T. J. Sondrini and Georgia Stufflebeam.

CSA rules applied to these 12-frame games where players switched to their left or right taking their colors with them at half time.

The 52 winners qualify for entry into the Hall of Fame CSA Any Singles Tournament scheduled for Dec. 26-29 at Golden Village Palms.


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CSA any Doubles Tournament 2018

by Dean Grattidge  District 7 Reporter

Hemet West hosted the annual CSA any doubles tournament from July 23-27, 2018.  A total of 96 players took part in this event. Games were 12-frame, doubled, with players changing sides at half time, taking their discs with them.

Personnel volunteering their efforts were:

ATM's Lynda Goggin and Carole Anderson, scorekeeper, Nelda Lichtwald, head ref, George Hayner and a three man crew maintaining the boards in a professional manner: Paul Epps, Ken Norris and Charles Smith.

Funding was provided by The Bank of Hemet and Hemet West Management. Many thanks to them for that.

Three businesses contributed 21 wonderful gift certificates and cash: Chili's Restaurant, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Applebee's Restaurant.

One can only surmise that these winners ostensibly articulated the essential elements of shuffleboard success: sound decision-making, checking the scoreboard,  maintaining their balance and rhythm in shooting and patience.  It's always an honor to acknowledge the winners.

Lunches were great - many thanks to Becky Grass and Glenda Epps. Choices for four days being: ham sandwiches, turkey sandwiches and Hawaiian  chicken salad, with a drink, chips and a cookie.

Again,  many thanks to all volunteers and players working together to make this such a successful event.

Championship Winners

Awards presented by Hemet West shuffleboard president Paul Epps


First Place: Robert Brooks (SDSE) & Jay Davidson (HW)


Second Place: Grace Ferrone (Muni) & John Brock (CCC)


Third Place: Liz Backus & Bob Klingenberg (Sun City)


Fourth Place: Amber Brown & Jack Anderson (Muni)

Consolation Winners


First Place: Ron Needham (7-Hills) & Paul Egly (SDSE - absent)


Second Place: Linda Cullup & Norma Farmer (HW)


Third Place: Jackie & David O'Gwynn (Villa del Monte)


Fourth Place: Georgia Marchand & Gerry Abbott (CCC)


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Maxine Trachsel any Singles 2018

Honoring a Leader; August 13-15, 2018

by Dean Grattidge   District 7 Reporter


A near-perfect number of players signed on for the annual tournament commemorating the life of Maxine Trachsel, promoter of a robust program of shuffleboard at SDSE , that number being 64.

Volunteers who stepped forward to put together this event: ATM's Lynda Goggin and Helen Noeltner. Helen is the president of SDSE. She was constantly on duty. Head scorekeeper, Tootie Chittenden, head ref, George Hayner, Board crew of Mitch Herbert, Bill Bernatzski and Al Elias carefully prepared the boards each day.

A large committee presented the lunches every day:  Betty Elias, Vicki Dumar, Silvia Hill, Susie Welshopp and Joanne Henderson. A nice selection was on the menu: Hot dogs, Chili dogs, chef salad and nachos, plus a drink, with dessert of cakes and ice cream.

A large selection of cash and gift certificates, 19 total, was made available by The Bank of Hemet and Walmart of Hemet.

Many thanks to them and to the above-mentioned large group of volunteers.

Players and spectators marvel at he elegant idyllic murals that embrace the courts on each side. This has been on-going for many years.

It certainly has become clear that these winners used their board-reading skills and incorporated that knowledge into their overall strategy!

And so, into the archives of the shuffleboard record book go the eight winners -


First place, Robert Brooks (SDSE), second place, Larry Pierce (Foothills of Hemet), third place, Harry Gregory

(El Grande Estates), and fourth place, Kristi Brinegar (Villa del Monte) (Her first tournament win).


First place, George Hayes (GVP), second place, Gerry Abbott (CCC), third place, Claudette Patterson (Foothills

of Hemet) (Her first tournament win), and fourth place, Travis McCorkle (Foothills of Hemet) (His first victory in tournament competition).

Always enjoy the camera work of Harlan Mathews for supplying the photos of the winners.

Aaron Young, officer of The Bank of Hemet, was generous with his time and effort  to come by and hand out the winners' awards. We thank him and the bank for their continued support.

Also wish to thank all who contributed to make this a memorable CSA any singles event.

The Winners

Presenting the awards are the Bank of Hemet representative Aaron Young and Sierra Dawn SE club president Helen Noeltner



The Gallery

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CSA any Singles Tournament 2018

Congratulations to Sun City's any Singles Tournament held Monday July 9th through Wednesday the 11th 2018. There were 60 register participants representing Colonial Country Club, El Grande , Golden Village Palms, Foothills of Hemet, Hemet Muni, Hemet West, Sierra Dawn Southeast , Seven Hills and Villa Del Monte.


Congratulations also goes to the following players who won their divisions:


Second Place: Team 5

(Left to right) First Place Bob Klingenberg, Second Place Larry Pierce, Third Place Tootie Chittenden, Fourth Place Tom Armijo (absent - taken to hospital).


(Left to right) First Place Jay Davidson, Second Place David Ruch, Third Place Amber Brown, Fourth Place Georgia Stufflebeam.

Second Place: Team 5

On behalf of the District 7 tournament team and it does take a team to have a successful tournament.  From the Board Crews, the ATMs, the Referees and the Scorekeepers. I would like to extend  a thank you to all. Especially to those scorekeepers and referees who were not playing and came out to help anyhow. As this Tournaments Head Scorekeeper it was my pleasure to have so many volunteers respond to my call and needs.  It's hard enough to fill Karla's big shoes she is sorely missed.


Thank you again, Carol Blasingame

PS. Best wishes to our 4h place championship winner Tom Armijo who was taken away by ambulance during the playoffs!


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Bank of Hemet Team Shuffle 2018

Large  Turnout for Team Tournament                

by Dean Grattidge,   District 7 Reporter


The upscale venue of Hemet West hosted this annual event from Sept. 5-7, 2018. Each of the 10 teams fielded approximately 10 players. The total number of entries was 102.


Leaders of the teams were:

Cap. Debra McCaffrey, Co-Cap. Margaret Irwin.  Cap. Howard Harrell, Co-Cap. George Baslak.  Cap. Nadine Hackett,

Co-Cap. Fran Hayner.  Cap. Kristi Brinegar, Co-Cap. Sharyn Metzner. Cap. Helen Noeltner, Co-Cap. Roland Schneider.

Cap. Tootie Chittenden, Co-Cap. Paul Epps. Cap. Dennis Sondrini, Co-Cap. T. J. Sondrini.. Cap. Ruby  Best, Co-Cap.

Wanda Souza.  Cap. Jeannie Gregory; Co-Cap Harry Gregory.  Cap. George Hayes, Co-Cap. Helen Bell.

Club president, Glenda Epps was continually on hand to help give support for this tournament as was Tootie Chittenden.

These were the partners having ramped up their skills from ordinary to extraordinary who accepted the handsome plaques honoring their success.


The first to fourth place finishes were by these teams:

First place: Kristi Brinegar and Sharyn Metzner, playing out of Villa del Monte.

Second place: led by Nadine Hackett and Fran Hayner from Hemet Muni.

Third place: Jeannie Gregory and Harry Gregory, bringing together their team from El Grande Estates.

Fourth place: Helen Bell, directing a team made up of SDSE players.

Again, Harlan Mathews down-loaded wonderful photos of the four top teams.

A number of participants stepped forward to receive their awards from the door prize drawings.

As is now a tradition, Aaron Young, officer of The Bank of Hemet, stopped by to hand out the awards to the winners.

We commend the bank for their funding and sponsorship.

Careful maintenance of the boards was in the hands of Paul Epps.

Looking forward to a well-run tournament like this next year.


First Place: Villa Del Monte



Second Place: Hemet Muni


Third Place: El Grande Estates


Fourth Place:  Sierra Dawn SE

The Gallery

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Valley-Wide Oldlympics 2018

"Grandaddy" of All Tournaments-2018       - by: Dean Grattidge


From Sept. 18-20th, Hemet Muni hosted the Oldlympics shuffleboard tournament. This concludes the summer schedule.

Event chairpersons Lynda Goggin and Helen Noeltner worked overtime creating and upgrading this challenging schedule.

Head scorekeeper Carol Anderson collected and verified the multitude of score cards. A total of 88 participants signed on for this annual event. Head ref was George Hayner.  Games were 12-frame under district rules.

Ray Ackenhausen vaulted into first place and stepped forward to qualify for his medal. Awards to be handed out Tues. Oct. 2

at the Valley-Wide Regional Park on Esplanade.

Hemet Muni president, Jim Hutson was available at the venue to help work through any glitches.

The results of the competition are as follows:

Consolation Bracket (Back row, left to right):

First place, Jerry Yakel (Mountain Shadows)

Second place, Janet Langenmeier (Hemet Muni)

Third place, Ken Norris (Hemet West)

Fourth place, Dean Grattidge (Hemet Muni)


Championship (front row, left to right):

First place, Ray Ackenhausen (Golden Village Palms)

Second place, Helen Noeltner (SDSE)

Third place, Fran Hayner (Hemet Muni)

Fourth place, Charles Smith (Hemet West)

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Oldlympics banquet, Tuesday evening, Oct. 2

The Gallery

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CSA Hall of Fame any Singles Tournament 2018

GVP Hall of Fame Tournament       

      -by Dean Grattidge, District 7 Reporter

During this event three players were inducted into the Shuffleboard Hall of Fame. In order (holding the plaques below), two players were from District 5: Shirley Eager and Russel Smart. The third player, from District 7, was selected posthumously: Charles Morely.  Presenting the awards were Gene Eager and Helen Noeltner.

A total of 72 players entered this tournament, 8 of them from District 5.  Helen Bell, president of GVP, was the director of this annual event.  Ray Ackenhausen kept the boards nicely groomed to insure optimum playing success.  No narrative on the outcome would be complete without the fine camera work of Harlan Mathews. We sincerely thank him along with the other volunteers who donated much time and effort: head referee, George Hayner, and scorekeepers, Carol Anderson and Carol Blasingame.

Contributors to the cash funding were The Bank of Hemet (many thanks to them for their never-ending support), and the collected entry fees from GVP.   All 8 winners received money for their performance.

These are the 8 players who etched their identity into the Shuffleboard record book:


Championship (front row right to left)

First place Robert Brooks (SDSE), Second Ray Ackenhausen (GVP), third place Marolyn Davidson (Hemet West), and fourth place Shirley Eager (District 5 Palm Springs).

Consolation (back row right to left)

First place Harry Gregory (El Grande Estates), second place Dot Nelson (SDSE), third place Bruce King (District 5 Palm Springs), and fourth place Ingrid Thomas (Hemet West).

We commend all the supporters and players whose efforts resulted in such a successful tournament.

The Gallery

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Bonspiel Tournament 2018

Bonspiel in The Limelight

by  Dean Grattidge   District 7 "Reporter


From June 18-20, 2018, Hemet Muni hosted the centerpiece of summer tournament competition, which has been played here

for nearly two decades. The format for grouping players is unique to an event of this nature:

Players are assigned to one of four brackets as a result of their performance in their first two games.

Win first two games; Red bracket; win first and lose second, Green; lose first and win second, Blue; and lose first two games, Purple.

This is how you add intrigue to the game: temporarily rescind the kitchen 10-point penalty. Whew!

Many volunteers stepped up to assure a successful outcome:

ATM's Lynda Goggin and Helen Noeltner, promoter, Janet Langenmeier, while Carol Anderson as multi-tasking, confirming score cards, kitchen supervisor and keeping ahead of many details to keep the program running smoothly.

George Hayner was head ref, Cheryl Dewberry spent many hours in managing the kitchen, where lunches were offered each day. Lunches included pulled-pork sandwiches, hot dogs, and chicken, with salad as an option. Desserts were provided with the $5.00 lunches.

Board maintenance crew was Bob Hackett, George Hayner and Paul Epps.

Hemet Muni members were given first choice to register and play, and any other openings were made available to anyone who

called in from other clubs.

We are grateful to these sponsors who helped with funding: The Bank of Hemet (always a reliable friend of the community),

Mike Walker's DuraDress and Dale Herbert's "First Team" Real Estate.

A number of businesses made fine gift certificate donations: Carl's Junior Restaurant, Farmer Boys Market, In n Out Burgers,

Jack-in-the Box, Stadium Pizza, Sweet Baby Jane's Barbecue, Home Town Buffet and Steer n Stein Restaurant. We really

appreciate their contributions.

Data for the winners breaks down as follows: A win receives 2 points, ties received only one point. Spread points up to thirty

points determined your order of finish.

Division - Red                                                               game points   spread points

   First place, Roland Schneider (SDSE)                       12                   115

   Second place, Al Elias  (SDSE)                                      12                    77

   Third place,  Ingrid Thomas  (Hemet West)              10                   118

Division - Green

   First place, Jay Davidson  (Hemet West)                   10                  106

  Second place, Fran Hayner (Hemet Muni)                  10                  105

  Third place, Alice Beers (Foothills of Hemet)               8                    84


Division - Blue

  First place, Robert Brooks (SDSE)                                   10                   113

  Second place, Ruth Schneider (SDSE)                         10                     99

  Third place, Steve Piccinonno (Hemet West)               8                    115

Division - Purple

  First place, Mike Feazell (Seven Hills)                                8                     70

  Second place, Dean Grattidge (Hemet Muni)               7                     55

  Third place, Mona Smith (Sun City)                                    5                     10

Winners received a pin and handsome vest.  

The Winners

Presenting the awards are Anderson and Jim Hutson





The Gallery

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