Our Friday shuffleboard fun days have been off to a good start and are well attended. Check the home page for the upcoming events. I went to the little yellow rubber duck shoot at SDSE today, and had a lot of fun! Ten points off if you hit a sitting duck, and I hit quite a few so I didn't win the the competition, but I won one of the many door prizes given out at the raffle. Naturally I heard a lot of wise quacks...
Regarding shuffleboard business, the minutes of the latest president's meeting is below,
A design for a District 7 Logo is requested and will be voted upon at the picnic on Sept. 28th. So all of you with an artistic imagination are invited to submit entries.
Tournament forms are now standardized and fill-able online in the Library
Also the new board was elected and sworn in, consisting of:
President: George Hayner
Vice President: Suzanne Shapiro
Secretary: DeDe Malone
Treasurer: Harlan Mathews
Past President: Alice Beers
Executive committee:
Carol Anderson
Tootie Chittenden
Pat Ellis
Janet Langemeier
-Harlan Mathews