National CSA Hall of Fame any Singles Tournament 2025
The CSA Hall of Fame Tournament was at the Lakes at Hemet West on February 24-27. Thanks to the ATM's Pat Ellis and Brenda Rahn, Head Referee George Hayner, Head Scorekeeper Carol Blasingame, and the board crew. Special thanks to the HCN Bank for their donation!
At the conclusion of the tournament four players were inducted into the
California Shuffleboard

Presenting the awards is the CSA Hall of Fame Chairwoman Shirley Eager

The formal portraits can be found at CSAshuffleboard.com
The Awards

The Winners
Presenting the awards is Tootie Chittenden, The Lakes at Hemet West Shuffleboard President

First Place/Heather Estates

Second Place/The Lakes at Hemet West

Third Place/Indian Wells RV Park (D5)

Fourth Place/Tripalms (D5)

First Place/Foot Hills of Hemet

Second Place/Mountain Shadows

Third Place/Tripalms (D5)

Fourth Place/Foothills of Hemet

Mike Zepeda,
receiving the once in a lifetime National Championship Award Pin from USA-NSA 2nd Vice-President Shirley Eager
He also was awarded a once in a lifetime CSA Championship Award pin from CSA President Alice Beers
The Gallery
~~~ Click on an image to scroll through the gallery (full screen mode is best) ~~~